Boost Drama Programs in Saratoga Schools
The support of families, local businesses and the community is essential to our programs. Thank you for your interest.
Become a Benefactor and donate to our general fund
Donate as a Business Sponsor and engage with our audiences
This program is designed to help us partner with local businesses and community organizations who see the value of a thriving Drama program in Saratoga schools
Family participation donations for actors and crew in SHS play and musical programs can be paid via our Benefactor page using the online registration form provided by Mr. Brotzman
Use your Company matching program: donors with employers that offer this benefit can double their impact
​ We are a registered 501 (c) (3) charity EIN: 20-3681323 so your donation is tax-deductible​
Almost, Maine 2023
Photo credit: Elli Kline
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